Castigo Divino 2005 Short Film Watch Online
“Castigo Divino” is a short film released on 2005 directed by “Jaime Ruiz Ibáñez“, the film explores the themes of sin, and punishment. The storyline is captivating, and the cinematography is visually stunning. Watching it online provides a convenient way to access this thought-provoking piece of cinema.
“Phaedra (Susana Salazar) desires for her stepson Hippolytus (Guillermo Iván). He rejects her and she tries to kill herself. When Theseus, Hippolytus’ father played by (Fernando Becerril), comes home after work, he faces a big dilemma: who is telling the truth, Hippolytus or Phaedra?
Cast and Crew:
Susana Salazar, Guillermo Iván, Fernando Becerril, Laura de Ita,
Director: Jaime Ruiz Ibáñez
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